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Leaving New York in 2000 June LeClair had a long career in telecommunications and freelanced as an artist showing in juried shows and working on numerous art projects in the Northeast. Moving to Arizona gave her an opportunity to focus on her artistic skills leading her to earn a degree in Advertising Art with honors. Not letting this be her final destination in art, she explored other art forms earning several program certifications. So when this versatile artist was introduced to Metal Clay in 2007 it is no surprise she would expand into jewelry design.


It didn’t take long for her to explore the different art organizations of Tucson volunteering her time and skills. After a few years of producing various publications, websites, commission art work, artisan jewelry and doing shows and teaching for clients and organizations it finally gave way for her to create a space for herself.


This search for her space led her to the Historic Downtown Arts District at the Steinfeld Building. Here she created “Moonlite Creations Gallery & Studio” a unique space showcasing her diverse art with other local artisans she promotes. The space has given her the opportunity to create a class space, share her knowledge and still be able to organize various art events and shows.


“No matter the skill level there is a creative expression everyone has to offer, you just can’t be afraid to experiment. Use all your knowledge and keep learning, then use what works for you, expanding your creativity.”  June LeClair

Camp PMC Instructor

Location: Tucson, AZ




June LeClair

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