This one-day course is designed to teach Camp Metal Clay Instructors to master their instruction techniques, train other students in the art of instruction, adhere to ethical standards within the art world and mentor students as well as other metal clay instructors.
Principal Instructors are responsible for certifying Camp Metal Clay Instructors in the Camp Metal Clay Certification Program. This position requires the Principal Instructor to evaluate other metal clay instructors, adhere to program and ethical standards and mentor students as well as other instructors.
Teaching Camp Metal Clay Instructor Course 201 and certifying Camp Metal Clay Instructors will be extensively addressed. The course will review the standards of Course 201 while discussing student advancement and mentoring.
Students will participate in round table discussions regarding instruction techniques and be challenged with ethical concerns.
Upon completion of the course, students will take a short test and be evaluated based on class participation. Each student will receive a Certificate of Completion from Sawtooth School for Visual Art. The designation of Camp Metal Clay Principal Instructor will be awarded and students will be eligible to purchase the Camp Metal Clay Course 201 lesson plan and begin certifying other Camp Metal Clay Instructors.
This class can only be taken by students who have completed Course 101 and 201 or have been approved in advance.